Brookside Kitchen Cabinets with Pumice Staining
Stains and Opaques

Available on Most Doors

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Stains are applied to cabinet doors to enhance the natural beauty of the wood, while also adding beautiful color. Cabinet stains can range from light to very dark. Light stains will allow you to see more of the wood's natural character, while darker stains will hide much of the grain, but can create richer color and a more dramatic look.

Cabinet glazes are meant to highlight the different profiled edges on cabinetry, mouldings and accent pieces on Stain and Paint finishes. The wet glaze process is sprayed on the entire cabinet door and is then wiped off, remaining within the profiled areas, yet slightly changing the overall finish color. With the dry glaze application, the cabinet glaze is hand-applied to only to the profiled areas, while the base color remains the same.

Chosing A Cabinet Wood Type

Omega offers a variety of hardwood in various species for your next project.
Learn more about our cabinet wood types and determine which is right for your home.

Natural Hardwoods
Natural Hardwoods

You'll find nature's fingerprint on every piece of wood milled at Omega. Select from seven cabinet wood types, with dozens of beautiful finish choices designed to create an ambiance you'll love for your home. Always withstanding the test of time, hardwoods grow more lovely as they age with a mellow patina, making them a perfect choice for any home.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Alder Wood Sample
Alder Wood Cabinets

Alder cabinet wood features a straight, fine textured grain, similar to Cherry and Maple.
In its natural state, Alder features a fairly uniform hone color, and sapwood can be distinguished from heartwood, with tight pin knots present occasionally.
Classified as a hardwood, Alder is moderately light in weight and is considerable softer than other Omega hardwood species, allowing it to dent and mar easily. Rustic Alder is also available.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Cherry Wood Sample
Cherry Wood Cabinets

Cherry is a smooth, even-grained hardwood known for its warm, rich character. Heartwood can range from deep red to reddish-brown color. In its natural state, Cherry cabinet wood may have areas that are yellowish, green, and even gray. Cherry "mellows" and darkens with age; exposure to bright or direct sunlight will cause wood to darken and redden significantly. Cherry will have some sapwood, mineral streaking, fine pin holes and pitch pockets, which are all natural details that add to the beauty of Cherry wood. Rustic Cherry is also available.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Maple Wood Sample
Maple Wood Cabinets

Maple cabinet wood is characterized by its smooth, even, and fine grain pattern. Natural Maple has some color variation but is generally more uniform than most hardwoods. Mineral streaks are common in Maple and appear darker when stained. On darker finishes, a distinct mottled look is apparent when a stain is applied.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Oak Wood Sample
Oak Wood Cabinets

One of the stronger hardwoods, Northern Red Oak is known for predominant grain patterns that run from straight lines to arched and pointed variations. Light and dark contrast is noticeable on natural and light finishes. Rustic Oak is also available.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Pecan Wood Sample
Pecan Wood Cabinets

Known as one of the stronger hardwoods, Pecan is characterized by dramatic color variations ranging from white sapwood to reddish brown heartwood — even on the same piece of wood. As Pecan ages, it will "mellow," making the color variation less apparent. Expect to see pin holes, knots, burl and color streaks in Pecan, and due to variations in wood, expect that some cabinet parts will have fewer characteristics than others.

Source Omega Cabinetry

QuarterSawn Oak Wood Sample
QuarterSawn Oak

Quartersawn Oak cabinet wood is cut from white oak trees and features finer grain patterns due to the way that the actual cuts are made on the log. Cutting at a 90 degree angle from the growth rings on an Oak log, producing a vertical and uniform grain that results in a beautiful look representative of Stickley and Mission styling that is currently in high demand.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Walnut Wood Sample
Walnut Wood Cabinets

Walnut features smooth grain with rich, warm appeal. Color can range from deep chocolate to light reddish-gray brown. Sapwood areas will range in hues from light yellow to light brown. As Walnut ages it will "mellow" and lighten in color.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Bamboo Wood Sample
Bamboo Wood Cabinets

Bamboo veneer cabinets range in color from light honey to dark amber throughout and features a straight, consistent grain pattern. The nature of bamboo wood includes small nodules, which are darker in color, and are randomly interspersed within the bamboo staves.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Wenge Wood Sample
Wenge Wood Cabinets

Wenge, dark brown in color, is known for fine, almost black veins that fall in a straight and consistent grain pattern. A rare wood, Wenge is offered by Omega as engineered veneer cabinets, an environmentally responsible alternative to an otherwise endangered specie.

Source Omega Cabinetry

High Gloss Laminate Cabinets
High Gloss Laminate Cabinets

High Gloss Laminate cabinets add high style and a sleek look for a contemporary edge and European flair. Cabinet interiors feature white laminate for easy-to-see, easy-to-find practicality that delights.

Source Omega Cabinetry

Textured Laminate Cabinets
Textured Laminate Cabinets

Textures are at the top of a trend-lovers list, adding tactile dimension and easy care perfect for modern designs. Textured Laminates offer easy care practicality, in a variety of on-trend colorations. Cabinet interiors feature white laminate for easy-to-see, easy-to-find functionality.

Source Omega Cabinetry